November / December 2001
Cover Image: Balance poster for the 3rd Japan Industrial Design Conference, 1977
Issue 336 of Graphis magazine includes the following stories: Dialogue with George Campbell, President of Cooper Union School for the Advancement of Art & Science, by Linda Cooper-Bowen; Mitsuo Katsui: Channeling Ikizama, by Maggie Kinser Saiki; McKinney & Silver: Raleigh Redux, by Warren Berger; Robert Polidori: Rooms with a View, by Ken Coupland; Yacht Associates: Plain Sailing, by Hugh Aldersey-Williams; Carin Goldberg’s Variations on Book Design, by Ellen Lupton; The Graphic Inferno of Davor Vrankic, by Laurent Danchin; and Islamic Calligraphy: Music for the Eyes, by Ken Shulman.
6 Contributors
10 Elseware By Catherine Noonan
14 Mennonites: A Biographical Sketch Reviewed by Iana Simeonov
16 Dialogue with George Campbell, President of Cooper Union School for the Advancement of Art & Science By Linda Cooper-Bowen
18 Mitsuo Katsui: Channeling Ikizama By Maggie Kinser Saiki
Katsui, an early pioneer of computer-aided graphics, remains a master of abstract expressionism in graphic design.
34 McKinney & Silver: Raleigh Redux By Warren Berger
Known for their ads promoting the beauty of North Carolina, McKinney & Silver is on the rebound with a new creative director and a renewed sense of mission.
48 Robert Polidori: Rooms with a View By Ken Coupland
Lauded for his architectural photography, Polidori is gaining recognition from the art world for his personal work as well.
62 Yacht Associates: Plain Sailing By Hugh Aldersey-Williams
In the vanguard of London-based designers, Yacht displays their considerable talent and wit through CD packaging, online design and 3-dimensional artifacts.
74 Carin Goldberg's Variations on Book Design By Ellen Lupton
With a nimble sense of humor and a knack for the beautiful, Goldberg survived the ‘80s and fearlessly navigated the ‘90s. What's next for this master of book design?
84 The Graphic Inferno of Davor Vrankic By Laurent Danchin
A virtuoso of pencil drawing, Davor Vrankic is a Croatian artist reinventing figurative art in the 21st century.
90 Islamic Calligraphy: Music for the Eyes By Ken Shulman
94 Gill on Gill
103 Sion Cemetery Reviewed by Lyle Rexer
103 Dawid Reviewed by Jack Crager
104 Jean-Francois Porchez: Inventing a Daily Typeface for Le Monde
108 Dialogue with Gillian Crampton Smith, Executive Director of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea By Virginio Briatore
113 German By Heinke Jenssen
129 French By Caroline Droz, Solange Schnall
146 Oh Boy, A Design Company: The Paper Chase By Claire Sykes
152 Slavimir Stojanovic: Beauty and the Beast By Lazar Dzamic