Issue 335 - Digital Version


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September / October 2001
Cover Image: 
Ralph Gibson
Photograph by Dave McCormick

The 335th issue of Graphis magazine presents the following articles: Alejo Ruocco: Light in Action, by Jane Harris; Larsen Design + Interactive: Couture for a Cause, by Catherine Noonan; Ken Miki: Bringing Depth to Design, by Maggie Kinser-Saiki; The Lightness of Being Francois Robert, by Catherine Noonan; Jean & Montmarin: The Craft of Advertising, by Laurec Armangau; and Luba Lukova’s Contentment, by Iana Simeonov.


6 Contributors

8 Alejo Ruocco: Light in Action By Jane Harris
Alejo Ruocco de Luca's newest lighting collection reveals a nomadic spirit in whimsical, sensuous designs. And it's just the beginning.

12 Larsen Design + Interactive: Couture for a Cause By Catherine Noonan
A Minneapolis design firm staged a one-of-a-kind fashion show to celebrate 25 years in business and inaugurate a scholarship for excellence in design.

18 Ken Miki: Bringing Depth to Design By Maggie Kinser-Saiki
Japan has nearly every comfort that technology can provide, yet most people feel curiously empty and robbed of direct experience. With thoughtful, literal and often tactile work, Ken Miki leads them back to earth.

32 "The Lightness of Being Francois Robert" By Catherine Noonan
Often disguising socially conscious themes behind his laughing faces, Robert's images present a new way of looking at the world. But perhaps what is most enjoyable is the whimsical quality of a man who decided to do what made him happy in life.

46 Jean & Montmarin: The Craft of Advertising By Laurec Armangau
As partners, Gérard Jean is the creative head and Hubert de Montmarin manages the business side of things, but both share a single vision of advertising and hold true to their original promise of producing great work.

60 "Luba Lukova's Contentment" By Iana Simeonov
Lukova's uncommon regard for substance and her uncompromising, but generous temperament has resulted in highly expressive and bold work.

72 Paccione By Laetitia Wolff

86 Blab!: The New New Illustration By Dan Nadel
At a low time for illustration, art director Monte Beauchamp carries the torch of innovation and artfulness with his endlessly inventive and fun anthology.

92 Ralph Gibson & Matthew Carter

102 The Great Wide Open: Panoramic Photographs of the American West Reviewed by Andrea Birnbaum

102 James Turrell: Infinite Light Reviewed by Jane Harris

103 Impossible Worlds Reviewed by Susanna Sirefman

103 IDEO: Masters of Innovation Reviewed by Mel Byars

104 Aaron Betsky By Stuart I. Frolick

106 Paul Thompson By Michael Kaplan

113 German By Heinke Jenssen

129 French By Carline Droz, Solange Schnall, Thérèse Forbes-Jaeger

146 Second Story: Telling Tales By Ken Coupland