Issue 333 - Digital Version


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May / June 2001
Cover Image: 
Portrait of Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein, founders of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners.

Graphis magazine Issue 333 includes the following articles: Rene Knip: Ideas That Can’t Wait; Steichen’s Legacy, by Lyle Rexer; Lowe Lintas & Partners: Lowe’s Common Denominator, by Hugh Aldersey-Williams; Turner Duckworth: Friendly Rivals, by Ken Coupland; Issey Miyake’s A-POC: A Piece of Cloth, by Vance Lin; Roxann Arwen mills: Phoenix Rising, by Stuart I. Frolick; and Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, by Chris Barnett.


6 Contributors

8 (un)Fashion Reviewed by Edna Goldstaub-Dainotto

13 Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth Reviewed by Daniel Nadel

14 René Knip: Ideas That Can't Wait
Dutch designer René Knip explores the second and a half dimension, creating architectural graphics and typographic furniture.

30 Steichen's Legacy By Lyle Rexer
Steichen changed photography and America's perception of it. A Whitney Museum exhibition and a publican by Knopf assess the artist's legacy to photography.

40 Lowe Lintas & Partners: Lowe's Common Denominator By Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Advertising today is increasingly marked by corporate mergers into global conglomerates. The biggest question has been how to manage creativity on such a large scale.

56 Turner Duckworth: Friendly Rivals By Ken Coupland
Working thousands of miles apart, a couple of British designers maintain a close collaboration that's a meeting of two minds in a creative tug-of-war.

72 Issey Miyake's A-POC: A Piece of Cloth By Ken Coupland
Combining a novel concept, remarkable design and innovative fabric, Issey Miyake launches a new line called A-POC or A-Piece of Cloth.

80 Roxann Arwen Mills: Phoenix Rising By Stuart I. Frolick
Mills' richly textured imagery transcends the particular of her own psyche to resonate in the imagination of the viewer.

92 Goodby, Silverstein & Partners By Chris Barnett
Over the past decade, GS&P has reached the peak of American advertising, as measured by one important index: it's the place where today's top talent wants to work.

113 German By Heinke Jenssen

129 French By Caroline Droz, Solange Schnall, Thérèse Forbes-Jaeger

146 Olafur Thordarson Furniture/Product Design

150 Erickson Productions Photography

156 Consumer Products By Yanitza Tavarez