Issue 303 - Digital Version


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May / June 1996
Cover Image 
Detail from David Sylvian's "Slow Fire," designed by P. Scott Makela and Laurie Haycock Makela. Photography: Bill Phelps.

Graphis magazine Issue 303 includes the following articles: Playing with Creative Fire, by Mike Noble; The Resonance of Simplicity, by Jan Burney; Sagmeister’s Perfect Visual Pitch, by Leslie Sherr; The Vision from Down Under, by Lance Campbell; Fallon McElligott Hits Fifth Avenue, by Rynn Williams; Fallon’s Finest Friend: Duffy Design, by Rynn Williams; Haase & Knels’ Remote Intimacy, by Franz Cesarz; and A Handshake and a Passing, by B. Martin Pedersen.


14 Global Report:
The Cologne Furniture Fair, by Klaus Leuschel; Denmar's New Museum of Modern Art, by Tracy Metz

15 New Media:
Students build Businesses of the Future in Cyberspace.

The Metaverse is coming! By Ken Coupland

Gadget: Multimedia in the realm of storytelling, by Paolo Polledri

18 Exhibitions:
Furniture design megastars...William & Morris at the V&A...Ads from Asia...Weston Photos...A new angle on Picasso...Paul Strand...Sports Graphics at AIGA...Retrospective on UMBO...Ideahouse Exhibition

20 Book Reviews:
Strange Ritual, reviewed by Edna Golstaub-Dainotto.

Cross-Cultural Design, reviewed by Hugh Aldersey-Williams.

24 Infoscape: Billboard-on-wheels
The iconography of Nascar vehicles go beyond any normal idea of how much raw optical data a car should carry, by Steven Holt and Gregory Hom of Frogdesign

28 Playing with Creative Fire:
As a married couple whose work epitomizes a new generation of designers, P. Scott and Laurie Haycock Makela forge visual pathways. By Mike Noble

44 The Resonance of Simplicity:
England's Lewis Moberly has gained success through a simplicity - no flash, no frills, just clarity and all the information you need. By Jan Burney

54 Sagmeister's Perfect Visual Pitch:
Described as more of an inventor than a designer, Stefan Sagmeister opens doors on our understanding of what graphic design can be. By Leslie Sherr

66 The Vision from Down Under:
John Nowland Design has helped escalate Australian graphic design, virtually unknown in the 1970s, to the equal of any country today. By Lance Campbell

74 Fallon McElligott Hits Fifth Avenue:
Now that Pat Fallon has joined forces with Andy Berlin in New York, Fallon McElligott is hitting its East Coast rivals close to home. By Rynn Williams

80 Fallon's Finest Friend: Duffy Design
The close collaboration between Joe Duffy and Fallon McElligott defies the usual antagonism between ad executives and designers. By Rynn Williams

86 Haase & Knels' Remote Intimacy:
While Germany's Haase & Knels claim they have no guiding principles, they continually uphold a basic one: communication. By Franz Cesarz

96 A Handshake and a Passing:
Graphis co-founder Walter Herdeg leaves a legacy of inspiration and encouragement to the community that he served over half a century. By B. Martin Pedersen

160 Endpaper: The Antidote to Artistic Stress
Exercise, extracurriculars and other stress reducers anecdotally proven to combat design burnout.