Issue 205 - Digital Version


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ISSUE NO 205 (Nos 201-206) 1979/80
Cover Image 
by André François, Grisy-les-Platres

The 205th issue of Graphis magazine features stories on  Design for Identity, written by Stanley  Mason; The Red Carpet Club (United Airlines); Clarks (Somerset); elf (ERAP); and Ecole Superieure d'Arts Graphiques (ESAG) Paris, by Jean Didier Wolfromm. Artists profiled include Francois Robert: A Young Swiss Designer and Photographer in the USA, written by Bill Bonnell; Andre Francois, by Gilles de Bure; Takenobu Igarashi, by John Follis; and Albrecht Ade: Photographic Metamorphoses, by Prof. Albrecht Ade.

378 Andre Francois, by Gilles de Bure, Paris
400 Design for Identity, by Stanley Mason, Zurich
400 The Red Carpet Club (United Airlines)
402 Clarks (Somerset)
404 elf (ERAP)
408 Takenobu Igarashi, by John Follis, Los Angeles
414 Albrecht Ade: Photographic Metamorphoses, by Prof. Albrecht Ade, Stuttgart
422 Ecole Superieure d'Arts Graphiques (ESAG), Paris, by Jean Didier Wolfromm, Paris
436 Francois Robert. A Young Swiss Designer and Photographer in the USA, by Bill Bonnell, New York
444 Niklas Deak - The scope of photographic expression, by Niklas Deak, New York
450 Koichi Sato, by Naoko Nakayama, Vienna
454 Tomi Ungerer: Babylon, by Friedrich Durrenmatt, Neuchatel