ISSUE NO 153 (Nos 153-158) 1971/72
Cover Image by Victor Vasarely
In Issue 153 of Graphis magazine, you'll find articles on How Paul Rand Presents Trade-Mark Designs to Clients, written by Stanley Mason; Photographis ’71 International Advertising Photography, by Allan Porter; and The Riddle of Easter Island, by Dr. Erika Billeter. Profiled artists include Victor Vasarely, written by Dr. Willy Rotzler; Robert O. Blechman, by Jerome Snyder; John Alcorn, by Jerome Snyder; James Valkus, by Stanley Mason; and Gervasio Gallardo, by Dr. Erika Billeter.
10 Dr. Willy Rotzler, Zurich: Victor Vasarely
22 Jerome Snyder, New York: Robert O. Blechman
32 Jerome Snyder, New York: John Alcorn
42 Stanley Mason, Zurich: James Valkus
44 Dr. Erika Billeter, Zurich: Gervasio Gallardo
54 Stanley Mason, Zurich: How Paul Rand Presents Trade-Mark Designs to Clients
60 Allan Porter, Luzern: Photographis '71. International Advertising Photography
78 Dr. Erika Billeter, Zurich: The Riddle of Easter Island
96 Book Reviews