Advertising 2024

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Hardcover, 8.5" x 11.75", 3.30lb, 224 pages, ISBN 9781954632257

Judging Graphis has been an exciting experience where I had the privilege to review a diverse spectrum of creative ideas. As a juror, it becomes apparent that advertising transcends borders, as the entries spanned continents, each offering unique perspectives on storytelling and persuasion.

—Andrea Por, Associate Creative Director, Zulu Alpha Kilo

Celebrate all this year's creative brilliance in print! This limited edition Graphis Advertising Awards annual honors industry excellence internationally and features this year's Platinum, Gold, and Silver Award-winning talents and their work. Discover a collection of standout creativity and innovation covering print, video and out of house for clients from Activision to Netflix, Heinz to Diageo, and Lenovo to the Beijing Opera.

Winning Entrants: This year’s Platinum Winners are ARSONAL, Brunner, Célie Cadieux, Extra Credit Projects, Freaner Creative & Design, PangHao Art Studio, Partners + Napier, PETROL Advertising, ReThink, Rhubarb, SJI Associates, Sukle Advertising, and SUPERFY.

Judges: All entries were judged by a jury of award-winning leaders in the advertising world: Ariel Freaner from Freaner Creative & Design, Alan Hunter and Ben Nessan from PETROL Advertising, Suzy Jurist from SJI Associates, and Christina Roche and Andrea Por from Zulu Alpha Kilo.

Contents: This Annual includes amazing Platinum, Gold, and Silver Award-winning print and video advertisements, as well as Honorable Mentions. Also featured is a selection of award-winning judge’s work and our annual In Memoriam for the advertising talent we’ve lost over the last year.

Credits & Commentary: Platinum and Gold Winners describe their assignments, the creative process behind the finished product, and the results of their work.

Selling Points: The book contains full-page images of Platinum and Gold Award-winning work from many prestigious advertising agencies. Images Silver-winning work and Honorable Mentions are also included. All work is equally presented and permanently archived at

Audience: This Annual is an important tool and a much-needed source of information and inspiration for advertisers, professors, students, and anyone with an interest in the visual arts and advertising.