Nudes 5

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Hardcover, 10.43" x 13.78", 5lb, 256 pages, ISBN 9781931241847

Contents: The fifth volume in this series, Nudes 5 continues to present some of the most refined and creative nudes photography. Just as this genre helped elevate photography into a realm of fine art, one will find that many of the images on these pages deserve to be presented in museums.

Selling Points: Award-winning Photographers include Erik Almas, Rosanne Olson, Klaus Kampert, Howard Schatz, Phil Marco, Joel-Peter Witkin, Chris Budgeon, among others. Stunning photography is supplemented by the History of Nudes Photography, quotes from the photographers themselves, and poem, "Ode to a Naked Beauty" by Pablo Neruda, among full size images.

Audience: Nudes 5 is inspirational for photographers and art enthusiasts alike.