January / February 1959
Cover Image by Jack Wolfgang Beck, New York
Issue 81 of Graphis magazine presents the following articles: Design in Finland, written by Dr. Willy Rotzler; Graphic Art in Finland, by Paakko Puokka; Art Directors Club of New York-37th Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art, by Victor Trasoff; Atelier Francois Stahly (Paris), by Francois Stahly; The Advertising Agency’s own Advertising, by Victor N. Cohen; Indian Art from the United States, by Francois Claude; and The Development of Writing, by Hans Ed. Meyer. Artist profiles include Piero Della Francesca, written by Prof. Enzo Carli; and Eberhard G. Rensch, by Ivo Frenzel.
10 Dr. Willy Rotzler (Zurich): Design in Finland
18Paakko Puokka (Helsinki): Graphic Art in Finland
26 Prof. Enzo Carli (Siena): Piero Della Francesca
36Victor Trasoff (New York):Art Directors Club of New York. 37th Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art
52 Francois Stahly (Paris): Atelier Francois Stahly (Paris)
60 Victor N. Cohen (Zurich): The Advertising Agency’s own Advertising
74 Ivo Frenzel (Frankfurt a/M.): Eberhard G. Rensch
80Francois Claude (Paris): Indian Art from the United States
86 Hans Ed. Meyer (Zurich): The Development of Writing