Issue 76 - Digital Version


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ISSUE NO 76, 1958
Cover Image by André Fran√ßois, Paris

Issue 76 of Graphis magazine presents the following articles: Art Directors Club of New York 56th Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art and Design, written by Arnold Roston; Invitation Cards, by Hans Pflug; Tribal Art of Middle India, by V. Ellwin; and Ancient Ivories from the Negev, by Jean Perrot. Artists profiled include Andre Francois, written by Claude Roy; Charles Eames/Arnold Arnold: Designed for Play, by Michael Haber & Arnold Arnold; Eugenio Carmi, by Franco Russoli; and Bill Sokol, by Marc Senigo.


98 Andre Francois (Claude Roy, Paris)

112 Art Directors Club of New York, 56th Annual Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art and Design (Arnold Roston, New York)

126 Charles Eames/Arnold Arnold. Designed for Play (Michael Haber, London, and Arnold Arnold, New York)

134 Eugenio Carmi (Franco Russoli, Milano)

142 Bill Sokol (Marc Senigo, New York)

154 Invitation Cards (Hans Pflug, Zurich)

162 Tribal Art of Middle India (V. Ellwin, Shillong, India)

168 Ancient Ivories from the Negev (Jean Perrot, Jerusalem)

176 Bucher-Chronik

179 Book-Review