January / February 1985
Cover Image by Brad Holland, New York
The 235th issue of Graphis magazine includes the following articles: 9th/10th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw 1984, by Zdzislaw Schubert; and Once upon a time, by Steven Heller. Artists profiled include Saul Bass, by Henry Wolf; Brad Holland, by Steven Heller; Herb Lubalin—Art Director, Graphic Designer & Typographer, by Gertrude Snyder; Jan Sawka: A Book of Fiction, by James Beck; and Jurriaan Schrofer, by Paul Hefting.
8 9th/10th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, 1984, by Zdzislaw Schubert, Poznan
28 Saul Bass, by Henry Wolf, New York
36 Once upon a time…, by Steven Heller, New York
46 Brad Holland, by Steven Heller, New York
56 Herb Lubalin - Art Director, Graphic Designer and Typographer, by Gertrude Snyder, Newton, NJ
68 Jan Sawka: A Book of Fiction, by James Beck, New York
74 Jurriaan Schrofer, by Paul Hefting, Haarlem
87 Book Reviews