Issue 177 - Digital Version


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ISSUE NO 177 (Nos 177-182) 1975/76
Cover Image 
by Étienne Delessert, Lausanne

Issue 177 of Graphis magazine is a special issue: Children's Book Illustration. Articles include Introducing this special issue, written by Virginia Haviland; US Children’s Books in a Changing World, by Jerome Snyder; Children’s Book Illustration in Britain, by John Ryder; New Children’s Books - or Parents’ Books? - in France, by Christine Chagnoux; New Trends in Children’s Books in Germany, by Dr. Ingeborg Ramseger; Tradition and Internationalism in the Swiss Children’s Book, by Dr. Jurg Schatzmann; The Japanese Picture-Book in Past and Present, by Tadashi Matsui; Polish Illustrators and the Children’s Book, by Miecszylaw Piotrowski; Contemporary Children’s Book Illustration in Czechoslovakia, by Dr. Dusan Roll; The Future Evolution of the art of the Picture-Book, by Anna Katharina Ulrich; Aggression in the Children’s Book, by Dr. Franz Caspar; Prizes and Awards for Illustrated Children’s Books; and an Index to Illustrators.

10 Introducing this special issue, by Virginia Haviland, Washington
12 US Children's Books in a Changing World, by Jerome Snyder, New York
30 Children's Book Illustration in Britain, by John Ryder, London
38 New Children's Books - or Parents' Books? - in France, by Christine Chagnoux, Paris
48 New Trends in Children's Books in Germany, by Dr. Ingeborg Ramseger, Munich
60 Tradition and Internationalism in the Swiss Children's Book, by Dr. Jurg Schatzmann, Zurich
76 The Japanese Picture-Book in Past and Present, by Tadashi Matsui, Tokyo
84 Polish Illustrators and the Children's Book, by Miecszylaw Piotrowski, Warsaw
94 Contemporary Children's Book Illustration in Czechoslovakia, by Dr. Dusan Roll, Bratislava
100 The Future Evolution of the art of the Picture-Book, by Anna Katharina Ulrich, Basle
116 Aggression in the Children's Book, by Dr. Franz Caspar, Zurich
122 Prizes and Awards for Illustrated Children's Books
123 Index to Illustrators