ISSUE NO 137 1968
Cover Image by Tomi Ungerer
Graphis magazine Issue 137 presents the following articles: Art Directors Club of New York 47th Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art, written by John Peter; Design & Art Direction '68 London-The sixth exhibition of British advertising and editorial art, by Edward Booth-Clibborn; Le Livre de la Santé: The Picture Book of the 21st Century, by Hansjörg Gisiger; Second International Poster Biennale in Warsaw 1968, by Hans Neuburg; Nova: A magazine for the modern woman, by Michael Wynn-Jones; Harper's Bazaar: Design of an American fashion magazine, by Richard Avedon; and AGI-Alliance Graphique Internationale, by Henri Steiner.
192 John Peter, New York: Art Directors Club of New York. 47th Exhibition of Advertising and Editorial Art
210 Edward Booth-Clibborn, London: Design & Art Direction '68, London. The sixth exhibition of British advertising and editorial art
222 Hansjörg Gisiger, Lausanne: Le Livre de la Santé. The Picture Book of the 21st Century
240 Hans Neuburg, Zürich: Second International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, 1968
250 Michael Wynn-Jones, London: Nova. A magazine for the modern woman
258 Richard Avedon, New York: Harper's Bazaar. Design of an American fashion magazine
270 Henri Steiner, Zürich: AGI - Alliance Graphique. Internationale